Well. The short answer is yes. But let us explain why in some cases, you might not want to. There is a key difference between compostable packaging and biodegradable packaging.

Compostable packaging breaks down in a home compost pile or a commercial composting facility.
Compostable packaging breaks down in a home compost pile or a commercial composting facility. It forms decayed organic substances that can be used as a fertiliser, benefiting the soil.
This can be used as a fertiliser, benefiting the soil.
Compost is soil that has been biologically broken down by microorganisms. It forms decayed organic substances that can be used as a fertiliser, benefiting the soil.
The process of composting occurs naturally in nature. When you add biodegradable packaging to your garden or yard waste bin, it will be taken to a commercial facility where it is shredded and mixed with other organic material such as yard clippings and food scraps from restaurants and grocery stores. The resulting product can then be used on your lawn or garden as fertilizer for trees and plants.
Compostable packaging requires composting conditions for it to impart benefits to the soil.
Composting is a process that converts organic materials into fertiliser. This improves the structure and fertility of soil. It also reduces water runoff from heavy rainfalls, which can cause erosion and flooding if left unchecked.
If you want to be able to compost at home be sure to check the label or the manufacturers website to confirm it is home compostable.
If you have a home compost pile or are thinking about getting one, be sure to check the label on your package. If it says that it is home compostable and specifically says that it can go in your pile, then you’re all set!
If the label doesn’t say anything about whether or not it’s compostable, or if it doesn’t say anything at all (like some plastic bags), then this is where things get a little tricky. The packaging might tell you that their product is “disposable” instead of “compostable.” But don’t worry—you won’t need to buy another piece of packaging just because these two terms mean slightly different things! Disposable means something gets thrown away after use; whereas compostable means something can come back down to earth as part of nature’s food cycle once its useful life has ended.

What is biodegradable packaging?
Biodegradable packaging is made from materials that will break down in the environment. It can be composted, or it can be recycled.
It’s not biodegradable, but it is not compostable, either. Biodegradable packaging will break down if you put it in a landfill—but it breaks down into gases that are harmful to the planet instead of breaking down into nutrients for the soil like regular paper products do when they’re composted.
Biodegradable packaging isn’t recyclable either: there aren’t many places around the country where you can bring your newspaper to be recycled (commercially speaking).
Biodegradable packaging also breaks down over time.
Biodegradable packaging is a type of packaging that can be composted. But it’s not a good idea to throw biodegradable packaging into your compost bin with the rest of your food scraps, as it will break down over time. Biodegradable plastic takes up to three months to fully decompose in the soil, which means it isn’t ideal for composting. Instead, you should either put biodegradable plastic in the garbage or recycle it through a municipal recycling program—your municipality might have specific guidelines about what materials can be recycled by them. In terms of how biodegradable packaging affects soil quality, there isn’t much information available on this topic yet because these types of plastics haven’t been around long enough for scientists to study their impact on ecosystems.
It will completely return to nature in a comparatively short amount of time.
Biodegradable packaging is a great alternative to traditional packaging because it will completely return to nature in a comparatively short amount of time. Biodegradable materials are also beneficial for the environment, as they can be composted or broken down by aerobic microbes. This means that they don’t need special conditions and won’t harm soil health if they are disposed of correctly. On the other hand, biodegradable packaging can be more expensive than plastic and won’t necessarily benefit the soil if it gets thrown away in an open landfill.
It doesn’t need special conditions, but it also doesn’t necessarily benefit the soil.
Biodegradable packaging doesn’t need any special conditions, so you can put it into your regular compost heap. However, this won’t benefit the soil in any way. Biodegradable materials only begin to break down once they’re exposed to the right temperature and moisture levels, which is why many compostable items (such as vegetable peelings) are often packaged with instructions on how best to dispose of them.
However, it can be easy enough to work around these requirements: simply throw all your biodegradable waste into your food waste bin instead! This will ensure that your kitchen scraps get dealt with properly—and if you have a large family or live alone for long periods of time, these small efforts will help keep things tidy when disposing of leftovers from larger meals.
It’s how you plan to dispose of it, that makes the real difference.
Biodegradable packaging is not the same as compostable packaging. While both are designed to break down over time, biodegradable packaging is intended for use in landfills (or other controlled environments), whereas compostable packaging should be sent to a composting facility. This may seem like a subtle distinction, but it’s an important one that can have a big impact on the environment.
If you plan on disposing of biodegradable packaging in your blue bin or yard waste bags and putting it out with your regular trash, then you aren’t doing anything wrong—but if this material ends up in a landfill without being processed properly first (i.e., through decomposition), it can create harmful greenhouse gases that contribute to climate change and environmental degradation all over the world.
Biodegradable packaging makes no claim to benefit the soil.
Biodegradable packaging makes no claim to benefit the soil, and so it should not be composted. Biodegradable packaging has been treated in some way (via chemical or biological means) to break down into carbon dioxide and water after disposal. These products can still take years to break down completely, but they will eventually decompose in an uncontrolled environment like a landfill or at the bottom of your backyard composter.
The takeaway here is that biodegradable packaging doesn’t necessarily mean compostable. Compostable packaging, on the other hand, does mean biodegradable packaging. If you want to compost a package—and really want it to break down quickly—make sure it says “compostable.” Otherwise, feel free to toss your biodegradable packages in the trash and feel good about doing so!
So the next time you’re shopping for groceries, think about whether or not the packaging is compostable. If it isn’t, be sure to put it in your food waste bin so that it can be turned into compost.